Work tonight has been busy, i spent most of my morning in the bathroom, and im almost out of weed. i needed THE HAPPENING now more than ever.
i love this movie to death. its a hyper violent version of THE ROOM thats got some of the wackiest scenes and acting i have ever seen.people in this movie are the dullest specimens humanity has to offer. Zooey appears to high as fuck for the majority of this movie, to the point she barely feels like a human being. Perhaps she on another planet with whiny Mark Wahlberg humping her leg.
before we leave, lets talk about a few interesting ideas this movie fails to take seriously.
the massive suicide epidemic, the lines about the mood ring, and a pile of ridiculous over the top kills i love with all my heart. this movie has some of the goofiest gore since dead alive.
10 delicious hot dogs/10