Popcorn is a 1991 American slasher film directed by Mark Herrier and written by Alan Ormsby. The cinema students Toby, Bud, Leon, Joannie, Tina, Cheryl and Maggie organize a horror film marathon in a derelict movie theater with their professor Mr. Davis to raise funds to make their own films. Out of the blue, the old Dr. Mnesyne arrives in the theater and offers films and special effects to use in the festival. Among the movies, there is an experimental film made by the deranged filmmaker Lanyard Gates, who killed many people from the audience during its exhibition. Maggie has frequent nightmares with a girl named Sara, and her mother Suzanne is not able to explain, and the film disturbs her. Meanwhile, a serial-killer master in disguise kills Mr. Davis and several students. Who might be the killer?
Before the 10 minute mark, i could tell i loved this movie.
This movie has a lot in common with the SCREAM series in the best way possible, and its those similarities that i love. The sunny LA college setting, the meta film commentary, the strong cast of likeable characters, a soundtrack straight out of everything is terrible, and quite a few genuinely funny scenes that get a real laugh out of me. that would be more than enough to make this a solid B movie, but this movie is so well made it goes beyond B movie territory. this is the best made movie i have ever seen of this kind, and damn near every shot is pure 90s perfection. a lot of that is due to the incredible locations and sets this movie had access to, so i was beyond surprised to learn that Popcorn was filmed entirely in Kingston, Jamaica. Another even bigger part of why this movie works so well is the seemingly bottomless budget for massive practical effects.
we essential have the practical effects of 3 movies at once, without a single bad effect in sight. The massive mosquito, the face peeling villain, an amazing electrified man, a vomiting two headed dude, and of course an entire theatre full of movie props. its so damn well done that it actually ruins the idea that some college students just whipped this together in 3 weeks, but i find that i don't give a fuck. its quite literally incredible that they were able to make a genre film about the genre with such a massive scale, and I'm a bit bummed i had never seen this movie sooner.