“Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity.”
— Fox Mulder, The X-Files Season 3: The Walk
exterminate all rational thought is as close to a plot summary as you get with this movie. its like... a literary high ya know? makes ya feel like a bug man....
i love this movie. out of all the movies i have seen, this one is closest to capturing the feeling of dreams. just like in dreams, all the edges are fuzzy and its hard to pin down exactly whats happening. all of the small details of the story and setting is constantly changing, and the whole movie captures the feeling of unreality perfectly.
unless you are lucid dreaming, you tend not to ask questions when dreaming of things that make no sense. whatever the explanation maybe, in dreams you don't really have any choice but to go where the dream takes you. at first the narrative is fairly simple, as the dream goes on the plot starts to change subtly. its a strange experience that is filled with so many small nuances that capturing the feeling on camera can feel borderline impossible. as much as i love Lynch's dreamy stuff, this movie trumps his work in terms of capturing the feeling of dreaming perfectly.
perhaps my favorite part of this movie is just how accessible it is. when i first starting watching David Lynch movies, i would always leave confused and frustrated at how seemingly random some of the scenes are. despite this movie being equally surreal, it never really leaves you to confused about its overall message. yes this is the movie with giant buggy type writers with talking assholes, but surprisingly the themes are fairly straight forward. its a brilliant movie that uses its outward wackiness to hide a still relevant message and themes.
and its also gay as fuck which is always a plus.
boy i sure am glad my subconscious thoughts don't manifest as weird side characters and fleshy little critters running around.