If you were a big fan of the Brian De Palma film, this might not be what you were expecting.
For one thing the Carrie what he described in the novel looks nothing like Sissy Spacek. And remember those fun scenes with John Travolta as Billy Nolan riding around with Chris hargensen? Yeah Billy Nolan is much more of a rapey asshole in the novel. Carrie the movie gets dark, but Carrie the novel gets downright nasty.
The real upside of reading any Elavil is getting a peek into the characters heads. Where is the film mainly focuses on Carrie White and Sue Snell, the novel lets you peek into Carrie's, Margaret's, Sue's, and Chris's heads. It definitely helps the plot to make a lot more sense and the after-the-fact storytelling method leaves room for some mystery.
The book also serves as a sort of warning that other individuals like Carrie might be out there. And what would we do if there were others with the same or even greater level of telekinesis out there? If youre fan of the Brian De Palma movie you have to pick up the book.
It's not even that long come on you can do it